
  • Edisi Mei 2025
    Vol. 10 No. 2 (2025)

    Write to live longer

    One may be as intelligent as the sky is high, but without writing, they will vanish from society and history. Writing is laboring for immortality. (Pramoedya Ananta Toer)

  • Edisi Januari 2025
    Vol. 10 No. 1 (2025)

    Articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by authors from 9 countries (Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Lao and Thailand).

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  • Edisi September 2024
    Vol. 9 No. 3 (2024)


    Pondasi terkuat dari literasi adalah dengan menulis, kemampuan menulis bisa dihasilkan dari belajar menulis, belajar menulis hanya bisa dilakukan bila sudah membaca. Mari kita budayakan untuk membaca agar kemampuan menulis kita menjadi hebat. Untuk itu mari kita simak naskah ilmiah para pemerhati pendidikan berikut!


  • Edisi Mei 2024
    Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024)


    Literasi membaca yang kita lakukan kurang membekas bila tidak dilanjutkan dengan menulis. Berikut ini adalah aksi 90 penggiat literasi yang telah berkomitmen untuk menggoreskan literasi dalam jurnal Ideguru. Semangat selalu berliterasi, selamat hari pendidikan nasional 2024.

  • Edisi Januari 2024
    Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024)

    2024 Resolution: Keep writing enthusiastically

    The number of authors in the Ideguru journal in the last 6 months has increased by 300%. Initially the number of authors in one volume was 15, now it has reached 60 per number, or 180 authors in one volume. This is inversely proportional to the policy of eliminating the obligation to make scientific publications for teachers. As the number of authors increases, this does not reduce the quality of scientific texts for teachers and prospective teachers. The most amazing thing about this journal is that the current author affiliations come from 17 provinces in Indonesia, and 1 from Thailand. Always passionate about writing, Indonesian teachers, let's celebrate Freedom of Learning through scientific writing in the Ideguru journal. Spirit of literacy!!!

    Articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by authors from 2 countries (Indonesia and Thailand).

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  • Edisi September 2023
    Vol. 8 No. 3 (2023)

    Sambut Tahun Pelajaran Baru dengan Sajian Karya Bermutu

    Jurnal Ideguru Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda dan Olahraga DIY menyambut Tahun Pelajaran Baru dengan mempersembahkan 60 naskah ilmiah terbaik para guru, kepala sekolah, mahasiswa serta dosen dari Provinsi D.I.Yogyakarta, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Jawa Barat, Bengkulu, Sumatera Selatan, Bali, dan Nusa Tenggara Timur. Pada Volume 8 Nomor 3 Edisi September 2023 disajikan berbagai model dan metode pembelajaran kooperatif  seperti Thinglink, Scaffolding, Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL), TTW, Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS), Numbered Heads Together (NHT), dan Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) dalam upaya meningkatkan keaktifan, kemandirian, hasil belajar, maupun kemampuan literasi numerasi peserta didik. Referensi terkait prototipe rancangan pembelajaran, pengembangan media interaktif "kihajar beriman”, aplikasi Wordwall games, Qr-Code dan pemanfaatan stylus pen serta praktik terbaik dari implementasi kurikulum merdeka juga bisa didapatkan dari edisi ini. Beberapa kepala sekolah menyajikan karya terbaik pula dengan tujuan meningkatkan kompetensi profesional guru. Selamat menyambut Tahun Pelajaran baru.

  • Edisi Mei 2023
    Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023)

    Dari DIY untuk Indonesia

    Para guru, kepala sekolah, pengawas, dosen dan mahasiswa dari berbagai penjuru nusantara memberikan kontribusi pemikiran dalam bidang pendidikan mulai dari media permainan tradisional, kriptografi hingga metaverse.

    Simak naskah inspiratif Jurnal Ideguru Vol.8 No.2, Mei 2023 dari Guru, Kepala Sekolah, Pengawas SD, SMP, SMA dan SMK dari D.I. Yogyakarta dan Malang, serta dosen/mahasiswa dari Univ Muhammadiyah Surakarta; Univ Katolik Widya Mandira, Kupang NTT; Univ Sriwijaya Palembang; Univ Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Univ Sanata Dharma DIY; UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta; Univ Negeri Padang Sumatera Barat; Univ Dr. Soetomo Surabaya; Univ Trilogi Jakarta; Univ Negeri Yogyakarta; Univ Singaperbangsa Jawa Barat; STAI Miftahul Huda Jawa Barat; dan UIN Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Banten.

    Selamat membaca!!!

  • Edisi Januari 2023
    Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023)

    Peringatan Hari Guru Sedunia

    Bertepatan tanggal 5 Oktober yang merupakan hari guru internasional, Jurnal Ideguru menyajikan 15 naskah inspiratif para guru dari DIY dan Banten, serta dosen UPI. Selamat membaca!

  • Edisi September 2022
    Vol. 7 No. 3 (2022)

    Merdeka menulis di hari Merdeka

    Ketika menulis sudah menjadi habituasi para guru, mereka persembahkan naskah terbaiknya pada peringatan HUT ke-77 RI melalui jurnal terakreditasi nasional. Berikut 15 naskah para guru, kepala sekolah, dosen serta mahasiswa yang wajib dibaca dan disitasi oleh penggiat pendidikan.
    Merdeka membaca!

  • Edisi Mei 2022
    Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022)

    Special Serving for the 2022 National Education Day

    An idea needs to be written down in order to become a meaningful work. In commemoration of National Education Day in 2022, we are proud to present fifteen papers dedicated by teachers and principals from DIY, Banjar (South Kalimantan), Salatiga and Klaten (Central Java). This outstanding work has been professionally wrapped and published in an accredited national journal, Jurnal Ideguru, Dinas Dikpora DIY Vol.7 No.2 May 2022 Edition. Please read and enjoy!

  • Edisi Januari 2022
    Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022)

    Welcoming the new year 2022 in a different way. Teachers, lecturer and school supervisor in DIY, North Kalimantan, West Sulawesi, Central Java and East Java showed their professionalism by presenting scientific articles in the journal Ideguru Vol.7 No.1 January 2022 edition. In this edition, the Ideguru Journal has received a new status, namely the Journal National Accredited. A proud achievement, as the only journal born from teachers, by teachers and for teachers who have been accredited by Kemendikbudristek RI No: 158/E/KPT/2021 dated December 9, 2021 (Rank 4 / SINTA 4).

  • Edisi September 2021
    Vol. 6 No. 3 (2021)

    The spirit of sharing and publication in the midst of a pandemic was again presented by teachers and school principals in the journal Ideguru Vol.6 No.3 (September 2021 edition) with affiliations; SMPN 2 Kasihan, SMKN 1 Sewon, SMAN 1 Bantul, SMAN 1 Yogyakarta, SMAN 1 Banguntapan, SMPN 4 Wates, SMAN 4 Yogyakarta, SMAN 5 Yogyakarta, SMAN 1 Tempel, SMKN 1 Sanden, SMKN 2 Gedangsari, SMKN 1 Sedayu, SMPN 1 Wonosari, and SMKN 3 Yogyakarta.

  • Edisi Mei 2021
    Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021)

    Maintaining the literacy tradition for the last 5 years, Dinas Dikpora DIY has again published the Ideguru Journal Vol.6 No.2, May 2021 which coincides with the National Education Day 2021 commemoration. This edition publishes articles from teachers and supervisor with afiliation of SMKN 4 Yogyakarta, SMPN 2 Mirit Kebumen, SMAN 2 Wates, SDN Kedungtangkil, SMAN 1 Bantul, Balai Dikmen Kulonprogo, SMAN 7 Yogyakarta, SMPN 5 Yogyakarta, SMKN 1 Ponjong, SMAN 2 Yogyakarta, SMKN 1 Bantul, SMAN 1 Banguntapan, SMKN 1 Pleret, MTsN 1 Bantul, and SMAN 1 Bambanglipuro.

  • Edisi Januari 2021
    Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021)

    Ideguru Journal Volume 6 Number 1, Januari 2021 presents fifteen articles, with author affiliations including; SMAN 1 Banguntapan, SMAN 10 Yogyakarta, SMPN 2 Kasihan, SMKN 3 Yogyakarta, SMPN 1 Wonosari, SMAN 7 Yogyakarta, SMPN 1 Semin, SMAN 1 Bantul, SMAN 1 Yogyakarta, SMAN 2 Yogyakarta, SMKN 2 Gedangsari, and SMAN I Tumpang, Kabupaten Malang.

  • Edisi November 2020
    Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020)

    Ideguru Journal Volume 5 Number 2, November 2020 presents fifteen articles, with author affiliations including; SMKN 1 Ngawen, SMAN 7 Yogyakarta, SMKN 1 Bantul, SMAN 1 Banguntapan, SMKN 3 Yogyakarta, SMAN 1 Pengasih, SMPN 2 Sewon Bantul, SMAN 1 Yogyakarta, SMKN 4 Yogyakarta, SMPN 1 Wonosari Gunungkidul, SD Kepuh Bantul, SMAN 10 Yogyakarta, SMKN 1 Pleret, and SMAN 1 Turi.

  • Edisi Khusus KBM Pandemi COVID-19
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020)

    Jurnal Ideguru pada edisi ini terbit dengan tema Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM) di masa pandemi. Wabah COVID-19 telah mengisi catatan sejarah pendidikan di Indonesia, termasuk di DIY. Kondisi wabah ini mengharuskan KBM dilaksanakan dalam jaringan (daring) selama beberapa bulan. Untaian pengalaman mengajar daring yang telah Ibu Bapak guru laksanakan dapat menjadi hikmah bagi generasi berikutnya dengan diwujudkan dalam karya tulis ilmiah pada jurnal ini. Pada edisi khusus ini, Jurnal Ideguru menyajikan lima belas naskah dengan mempertimbangkan kualitas artikel, kebermanfaatan bagi para pembaca dan ketersediaan ruang yang ada. Selamat membaca!

  • Edisi Mei 2020
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020)

    Ideguru Journal Volume 5 Number 1, May 2020, first published through two media at once, print and online. In this edition, the Ideguru Journal presents fifteen articles, with author affiliations including; SMAN 1 Banguntapan, SMAN 7 Yogyakarta, SD Sindet Jetis Bantul, SMAN 1 Sedayu, SMAN 1 Yogyakarta, SMAN 1 Samigaluh, SMAN 1 Bambanglipuro, SMKN 1 Pajangan, SMAN 2 Kebumen, SD Muhammadiyah Wonokromo II Pleret Bantul and SMPN 1 Semin.

  • Edisi November 2019
    Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019)

    "Ideguru" means the overall thought conducted by teachers, in the form of classroom action research as well as scientific papers. This journal is published by Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda dan Olahraga Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (The Office of Education, Youth and Sport Affair in Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia), as a media platform for teacher's scientific work. This journal is published twice a year in May and November. The vision of IDEGURU is to be one of the main references for teachers in making learning innovations and research. The mission of IDEGURU is becoming a media for actualization and dissemination of scientific works for teachers nationally.

  • Edisi Khusus Pelatihan Guru di Luar Negeri Tahun 2019
    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019)

    "Ideguru special edition of overseas teacher training program" presents scientific papers written by alumni of The Overseas Teacher Training Program 2019 organized by The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. This edition compiles scientific reviews followed with best practices that have been implemented by the authors in their respective educational units. The special edition summarises valuable lessons taken by teachers from Yogyakarta that attended training in Singapore, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia and Germany.

  • Edisi Mei 2019
    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019)

    The vision of IDEGURU is to be one of the main references for teachers in making learning innovations and research. The mission of IDEGURU is becoming a media for actualization and dissemination of scientific works for teachers nationally.

  • Edisi November 2018
    Vol. 3 No. 2 (2018)

    The vision of IDEGURU is to be one of the main references for teachers in making learning innovations and research. The mission of IDEGURU is becoming a media for actualization and dissemination of scientific works for teachers nationally.

  • Edisi Mei 2018
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2018)

    IDEGURU aims to become one of the forums for ideas and results of researches dissemination in the field of education. In addition, it also can be a major reference in the same field. 

  • Edisi November 2017
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017)

    This journal is dedicated to publish scientific articles in the study of education from different aspects and perspectives as well as the themes that have been determined. 

  • Edisi Mei 2017
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2017)

    The vision of IDEGURU is to be one of the main references for teachers in making learning innovations and research. The mission of IDEGURU is becoming a media for actualization and dissemination of scientific works for teachers nationally.

  • Edisi November 2016
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2016)

    This journal is published by Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda dan Olahraga Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (The Office of Education, Youth and Sport Affair in Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia), as a media platform for teacher's scientific work. 

  • Edisi Mei 2016
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016)

    "Ideguru" means the overall thought conducted by teachers, in the form of classroom action research as well as scientific review. This journal is published twice a year in May and November.