Ideas for Developing Augmented Reality in Books As an Effort to Increase Student Reading Interest (Adaptation to Literacy Acceleration from South Korea)

  • Arifah Suryaningsih SMK Negeri 2 Sewon, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta,  Indonesia


Many learning media models of Augmented Reality were developed in South Korea. Because such learning media are able to support students' understanding more than just reading texts. In conditions of low literacy levels in Indonesia while the trend of technological and information advancements in Indonesia is so rapid, especially those that lead to the industrial revolution 4.0, it is necessary to propose the application of Augmented Reality to reading books with the aim of becoming an effort to increase students' reading interest in Indonesia and especially in the school where the author teaches. The stages in the development of this AR-based book use the Multimedia Development Methodology sourced from Luther, with six stages namely: Concept (concept), Design (design), Collecting material (material collecting), Making (assembly), Testing (testing), and Distribution (distribution). To create developments in the world of education and increase the attractiveness and effectiveness of learning, Augmented Reality technology can be utilized in the learning process both inside and outside of school. In order to achieve this, collaboration between digital creative actors or the IT profession and collaborators or teachers in creating AR media is needed in order to match the material and information to be conveyed.

Keywords: Augmented reality, Interest in reading, Literacy

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Author Biography

Arifah Suryaningsih, SMK Negeri 2 Sewon, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Tahun 2002 menyelesaikan program studi (S1) pada Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY). Pada tahun 2013 berhasil menyelesaikan beasiswa Program Magister (S2) dari Kemendiknas di MM UGM dengan mengambil Program Studi Manajemen Kepengawasan Pendidikan. Berbagai tulisan opini dan resensi bukunya sering menghiasi media massa, baik lokal maupun nasional (Kompas, Media Indonesia, Koran Sindo, Koran Jakarta, Kedaulatan Rakyat, dan sebagainya). Saat ini selain aktif mengajar sebagai guru Multimedia di SMK Negeri 2 Sewon, juga aktif bergiat di Ikatan Guru Indonesia (IGI).  Bebera kali mendapatkan kesempatan ke luar negeri dalam rangka peningkatan kapasitas, yaitu ke Philipina, Swedia, New Zealand, Korea dan Singapore. Beberapa buku yang sudah dihasilkan adalah Bunga Rampai Supervisi Pendidikan (Yogyakarta: Fairuz Media, 2012), Guru Sahabat Anak (Yogyakarta:  Ladang Kata, 2015).  Mengelola Keragaman di Sekolah (Yogyakarta: CRCS-UGM, 2015), Keragaman yang Mempersatukan (, 2016), e-SMK E-learning untuk SMK Book (UNY Pres, 2017), Teknik Pengolahan Audio Video (Grasindo, 2019). Kumpulan tulisannya dapat dibaca pada: Penulis dapat dihubungi melalui email:; IG: @arifahfafa dan WA: 081215495266

How to Cite:
Suryaningsih, A. (2019). Ideas for Developing Augmented Reality in Books As an Effort to Increase Student Reading Interest (Adaptation to Literacy Acceleration from South Korea). Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru, 4(1), 35-42.
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