Inovasi Pembelajaran Model Project Based Learning sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kreativitas Menggambar Komik Edukatif
The creativity of students in learning Seni Budaya dan Prakarya (SBdP) especially in drawing needs to be enhanced by implementing the appropriate learning model innovation, especially that encourages students to be active and creative during the learning process. Project Based Learning (PJBL) learning model innovation emerged as a solution that can solve the challenges faced today to enhance student creativity. This research aims to investigate the influence of project-based learning model learning innovation as an attempt to improve the creativity of students drawing educational comics on subjects SBdP grade V. The research uses qualitative descriptive methods. The data collection techniques used in this study are documentary interviews and observations. The data analysis techniques employed in this research are data triangulation techniques. Research results show that by implementing the learning innovation of the Project Based Learning (PJBL) model can improve the creativity of students drawing educational comics on subjects SBdP grade V in SD ‘P’ Kapanewon Rongkop. Based on the results of observation of student creativity there are 6 out of 10 students who are not yet developed. After learning using the learning innovation of the Project Based Learning (PJBL) model through drawing educational comics then the results of students' creativity increased. Proof that 1 in 10 students have begun to develop (MB), 7 of 10 students are already developing as expected (BSH), 2 of 10 pupils are developing very well (BSB). The conclusion of this study is that the innovation of the Project Based Learning (PJBL) model through drawing educational comics has proven to be influential in increasing student creativity in SBdP class V subjects.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Laras Wati, Moh Rusnoto Susanto, Eka Puspawati, Mela Dina Arumsari, Arifah Suryaningsih

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