Minimalisasi Kecemasan Matematika dalam Mixed-Ability Classroom dengan Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi pada Materi Barisan dan Deret

  • Suyanto Suyanto SMA Negeri 8 Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta,  Indonesia


The purpose of this best practice is to find out how to minimize students' math anxiety in a mixed-ability classroom on Sequences and Series learning material with differentiated learning. Teachers can implement differentiated learning based on student readiness by designing content to meet the needs of all students. Learning is carried out using guided discovery. Students work in heterogeneous groups. The difficulty level of the problem is given in stages in Student Activity Sheets for groups or individuals, and Daily Tests. Scaffolding given according to the needs of students during learning. The average response score of students following the lesson was 4.49 out of 5.00. This shows that the teacher has carried out classroom management on most occasions. The average percentage of meeting the needs of students in the group is 97.67%. The average achievement of completing group and individual LKS was 97.78 and 89.30 respectively. The mean of the daily test results for the group below the average was 73.50, the average group was 85.88, and the group above the average was 92.98. The distribution of the number of students before implementing differentiation learning was 9 people with high anxiety, 19 people with moderate anxiety, and 8 people with low anxiety. After implementing differentiation learning, there were 3 people with high anxiety, 15 people with moderate anxiety, and 18 people with low anxiety. These results indicate that differentiated learning can be used to minimize the level of students' math anxiety in a mixed-ability classroom.

Keywords: math anxiety, mixed-ability classroom, differentiated learning

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Author Biography

Suyanto Suyanto, SMA Negeri 8 Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Nama                               : S U Y A N T O, S.Pd

NIP                                   : 19680413 199512 1 005

Jabatan                             : Guru Pembina

Pangkat/gol. Ruang          : Pembina / IV a

Tempat dan tanggal lahir  : Yogyakarta ,

13 April1968

Jenis Kelamin                    : Laki-laki

Agama                               : Islam

Bidang Studi                         : Matematika

No WA                                   : 085878281702

Alamat rumah                     : Maguwo RT 18 RW 28

                                             Banguntapan Bantul 55198

Alamat email               :

How to Cite:
Suyanto, S. (2023). Minimalisasi Kecemasan Matematika dalam Mixed-Ability Classroom dengan Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi pada Materi Barisan dan Deret. Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru, 8(3), 476-484.
Best Practices
Abstract viewed: 591 times
PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) downloaded: 435 times


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