Advancing Sustainable Development Goals through Character Education and Social Studies in Japanese Schools

  • Andhy Surya Hapsara SMA Negeri 7 Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta,  Indonesia
  • Charlotte Adams Tokushimakita Senior High School, Tokushima Prefecture,  Japan
  • Nhung Thi-Cam Nguyen Lawrence S. Ting School, Ho Chi Minh City,  Viet Nam
  • Mark Vencint Tapia Lubi Kidapawan City National High School, Cotabato,  Philippines
  • Siti Muti’ah Maktab Sains Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan, Bandar Seri Begawan,  Brunei Darussalam
  • Fui Byn Liew Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Integrasi Kuantan, Pahang,  Malaysia
  • Thy Visal Preah Sisowath High School, Phnom Penh,  Cambodia
  • Abd-Asit Hayeekhade Ban Tanyongpao School, Pattani,  Thailand
  • Chandy Xaiyalath Nongbone Secondary School, Vientiane,  Lao People's Democratic Republic
  • Yusuke Nakashima The Japan Foundation (JF), Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo,  Japan


Character education is increasingly recognized as a critical component in developing individuals who are not only academically proficient but also possess strong moral and ethical values. This study examines the integration of social studies, character education, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within Japan's educational system, focusing on how these elements equip students with the skills and values necessary to address contemporary global challenges. Employing a qualitative descriptive approach, the study combines field research and literature analysis. The literature review provided a foundation for analyzing the issues under study, while field research was conducted from November 17 to 24, 2024, in Tokyo City and Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. The findings reveal that 17 SDGs components are embedded within Japan's educational practices, including competency in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Moreover, character education in Japanese schools significantly contributes to nurturing individuals with strong ethical and responsible values, empowering them to act as agents of change in addressing the complexities of a globalized world, particularly in responding to environmental issues. Integrating character education and social studies with the SDGs is identified as a strategic framework for shaping a better future for younger generations. This model offers valuable insights for educational systems worldwide to consider in their efforts to enhance character education.

Keywords: character education, SDGs, ESD, social studies, Japanese schools

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How to Cite:
Hapsara, A. S., Adams, C., Nguyen, N. T.-C., Lubi, M. V. T., Muti’ah, S., Liew, F. B., Visal, T., Hayeekhade, A.-A., Xaiyalath, C., & Nakashima, Y. (2025). Advancing Sustainable Development Goals through Character Education and Social Studies in Japanese Schools. Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru, 10(1), 735-745.
Research Articles
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