Fenomena Digital Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Untuk Memaksimalkan Potensi Peserta Didik Bermetode Brackinalyde Berbasis Tensesdukling

  • Hartini Dewi SMA Negeri 1 Tumpang, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur,  Indonesia


As a result of the impact of the zoning policy implemented in schools on the independent learning curriculum, physical, health and behavioral differences were found that institutions could not afford to reject. The formulation of the problem raised is what is the description of students who experience differences in learning so that they implement differentiated learning at SMAN I Tumpang? What are the learning patterns and models used by teachers in implementing differentiated learning? What is the impact of implementing differentiated learning on students in class X with an independent learning curriculum? What percentage of completeness in learning physics is obtained as a result of the learning model used in differentiated learning? The aim of the research is to describe students who experience different conditions from other friends, to describe the learning patterns and models used in implementing differentiated learning, to describe the impacts that occur as a result of implementing differentiated learning, to calculate the percentage of physics learning completeness in differentiated learning classes. This type of qualitative descriptive research is accompanied by simple quantitative, data analysis techniques using phenomenology using the Brackinalyde method. Data collection techniques other than interviews also document formative and summative values. Tensesdukling-based differentiated learning instrument. The conclusions were found to be different students with cognitive, sensory and physical disabilities, and students with emotional or social differences. Differentiated learning patterns and models include online or technology-assisted learning models, interest-based learning, role playing, learning in flexible groups. The positive impact found is that differentiated learning provides the ability for different students to maximize their potential to complete physics learning. Negative impact on the teaching and learning process environment. The environment will give a stigma that teachers treat victims as golden children. The average physics completion percentage in the five classes is 98.8%.

Keywords: fenomenologi, pembelajaran berdiferensiasi, bracketing, intuiting, describing

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How to Cite:
Dewi, H. (2023). Fenomena Digital Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Untuk Memaksimalkan Potensi Peserta Didik Bermetode Brackinalyde Berbasis Tensesdukling. Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru, 9(1), 29-39. https://doi.org/10.51169/ideguru.v9i1.714
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