Increasing Student Activity and Learning Outcomes FPB and KPK through Realistic Mathematics Learning

  • Sri Hartana SD Negeri Ngentakrejo, Lendah, Kulon Progo, DIY,  Indonesia


The target of this research is to make students more active and the learning outcomes of FPB and KPK to be better by providing realistic mathematics learning to fourth grade students of SDN Ngentakrejo Kulon Progo in 2021 and describing the implementation of the steps. The cycle designed for this research was carried out in two rounds which were packaged into five meetings. Each meeting was carried out by adopting the Kemmis & Mc scheme. Taggart which contains four steps in each round of the cycle. This study uses 26 students as subjects who are subject to action. The data collected through the research instrument was then analyzed to calculate the percentage of student activity and how many students had completed learning. The application of realistic mathematics learning steps carried out by providing contextual problems, using learning aids, group discussions, class discussions, comparing discussion results, and drawing conclusions proved to be able to make student activity and learning outcomes better. The percentage of student activity seemed to increase in the first cycle at three consecutive meetings by 83.46%, 84.23%, and 85%. Cycle II in two consecutive meetings, the percentage of student activity was 85.77% and 88.08%. Meanwhile, the percentage of students who finished studying in the first cycle at three consecutive meetings was 53.85%, 57.69%, and 65.39%. In the second cycle in two consecutive meetings, the percentage of students who finished learning was 76.92% and 84.62%.

Keywords: activity, learning outcomes, FPB and KPK, realistic mathematics learning

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Author Biography

Sri Hartana, SD Negeri Ngentakrejo, Lendah, Kulon Progo, DIY

Sri Hartana, S.Pd. lahir di Bantul pada tanggal 19 November 1972. Pendidikan yang pernah dijalani yaitu SD Negeri Ngaglik, Bantul (1985), SMP Muhammadiyah II Bambanglipuro, Bantul (1988), SMA Muhammadiyah I Bantul (1991), Diploma II PGSD Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (2003), dan S1 PGSD Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (2013). Diterima bekerja sebagai guru di Pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo dan bertugas di SD Negeri 2 Sremo, Kokap (2006-2012), SD Negeri Gegulu, Lendah (2012-2014), dan SD Negeri Ngentakrejo, Lendah (2014-sekarang). Pangkat dan golongan dalam kepegawaian saat ini Penata Tk. I,  III/d. Menikah dengan Dwi Nuryati (1999) dan dikaruniai 3 anak yaitu Indah Anggraini, Anggi Narimawati, dan Rizal Nandika. Penulis tinggal di Dukuh Sukun RT 061 RW-, Patalan, Jetis, Bantul dengan nomor telp/WA/telegram 082326797021.

How to Cite:
Hartana, S. (2022). Increasing Student Activity and Learning Outcomes FPB and KPK through Realistic Mathematics Learning. Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru, 7(1), 99-105.
Research Articles
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