Upaya Meningkatkan Kesiapan Karier Siswa melalui Bimbingan Teman Sebaya (BTS) Pasca Pandemi Covid-19
The purpose of this writing is to find out whether the Peer Tutoring (BTS) service can improve students' career readiness (career ready) after the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is through guidance and counseling action research (PTBK) with 2 (two) cycles where each cycle consists of 2 (two) meetings. The information collection strategy used observation sheets and test results explained using Microsoft Excel 2016. The subjects were 14 class XI students at SMAN 1 Cihara. Judging from the results of the implementation, it shows that there has been an increase in the career preparation scores of class the second was 62 in the good category, then at the 1st meeting in cycle I the average enthusiastic score was 28.25 points and at the 4th meeting in cycle II it was 58.75 so it was in the good category. Furthermore, the results of the career readiness test, there is an increase in data on student career readiness test scores starting from pre-action, post-cycle I and post-cycle II. Judging from the pre-action which initially got a score of 49 in the sufficient category, then, in post cycle I there was an increase of 11 points, so that the score was 60 and in the good category, and finally in post cycle II there was an increase in the score of 11 points so that the score was 71 and fall into the good category.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Fuad Aminur Rahman

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