Penerapan Math Playground sebagai Penunjang Karakteristik Pendidikan di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0
In today's 4.0 era, the world of education is in direct contact with rapid technological developments, so that almost all processes are technology-based. Technology is used to support all learning activities, one of which is as a learning medium. This form of technology-based media is an example of a math playground. This media is able to form a fun and meaningful mathematics learning experience for children. This study aims to investigate how Math Playground is implemented in class IV MIN RL and to find out whether Math Playground is able to support the characteristics of education in the 4.0 era. This research is a qualitative research with a field research approach through interviews, observation and documentation as data collection techniques. Based on the research findings, it is known that the stages of using Math Playground at MIN RL include identifying needs, introducing students, implementing them in learning, and evaluating them. Math Playground is able to form an exciting and fun learning experience so that it can help students understand the learning concepts taught by the teacher. Apart from that, Math Playground is also able to improve the characteristics of education 4.0. Characteristics in the field of digital skills because through the math playground students' intensity in using digital technology will increase. Furthermore, in the field of special education because at the stage of selecting content for use, teachers can adjust math content to suit the needs and interests of students, namely playing while learning.
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