Kompetensi Guru Meningkat melalui Supervisi Klinis Kolaboratif dalam Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inquiry Learning
This study aims to determine whether collaborative clinical supervision can improve teacher competency at SD Negeri 5 Wates. This research uses school action research. The implementation is carried out in 2 (two) cycles, each consisting of 4 (four) activities, namely planning, implementing, monitoring, and reflecting. Three teachers were selected as research subjects using a comparative approach, assisted by a collaborator to assess the effectiveness of research activities. The tool used is the teacher's observation sheet which includes the ability to prepare a Learning Implementation Plan and implement learning with the Inquiry Learning model. The results of data processing show that the teacher's competence in preparing lesson plans has increased in average value from 72 to 74, then 76. In Cycle II it became 83. The teacher's ability to carry out the learning process has increased in average value from 70 to 73, up again to 77, and in Cycle II to 84. Thus, it can be concluded that Collaborative clinical supervision can improve the ability of teachers to apply the Inquiry Learning model at SD Negeri 5 Wates, and it can be determined how collaborative clinical supervision is used to improve the ability of teachers at SD Negeri 5 Wates.
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