Learning Community Mampu Meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi TIK Guru pada Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh
This action was carried out when the writer was still on duty at SD Negeri Giripeni. This action aims to implement Learning Community to improve teachers' ICT literacy skills in PJJ. This study used School Action Research (PTS) which was carried out in two cycles. The research subjects were six class teachers. The research data was obtained through observing the implementation of learning. The results of each cycle are analyzed and then used as a reference for the next action. Technical analysis using percentage descriptive analysis. The success rate of teacher performance is if the percentage of teachers who have ICT literacy skills in the good category of PJJ has reached 80%. The results showed that the value of the teacher's ICT literacy ability in PJJ SD Negeri Giripeni in the implementation of learning in cycle 1 was 74 (enough) and cycle 2 was 86 (good). The Learning Community at SD Negeri Giripeni is a learning process between teachers to share experiences with others, work with others to create better learning than self-study and can improve teachers' ICT literacy skills in PJJ.
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