Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Kimia Materi Larutan Penyangga dengan Metode Tutor Sebaya

  • Rujinem Rujinem SMA Negeri 1 Srandakan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta,  Indonesia


The purpose of this classroom action research is to find out the increase in learning outcomes of buffer solution material with the peer tutoring method for students in class XI MIPA-2 students 2nd semester with the cooperative learning model. This classroom action research begins with the achievement and learning motivation of students in class XI MIPA-2 is still low, so the authors have the idea of ​​practicing varied teaching methods so that achievement increases. This classroom action research was conducted to determine the increase in learning outcomes with the peer tutor method on buffer solution material. The type of research method used is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The research steps consist of planning, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. The subjects of this study were participants in class XI MIPA-2 SMA Negeri 1 Srandakan even semester with a total of 23 children.The research was carried out in 2 cycles by collecting research data using observation sheets and the results of daily repeat tests on the buffer solution material. Implementation in this study using collaboration techniques. This study uses a qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of classroom action research showed an increase in learning outcomes, cycle 1 averaged 69.95 and the percentage of completeness was 65.21% and cycle II had an average score of 76.09 and a percentage of completeness was 82.60%. Learning with the peer tutor method was able to improve chemistry learning outcomes in the buffer solution material.

Keywords: Peer tutor method, learning outcoming, buffer solution

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Author Biography

Rujinem Rujinem, SMA Negeri 1 Srandakan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
  1. Nama : Rujinem, S.Pd
  2. Jenis Kelamin : Wanita
  3. Tempat/Tanggal Lahir: Bantul/ 25 April 1978
  4. NIP: 19780425 200604 2 024
  5. Pangkat/Gol : Penata Tk. 1 /III.d
  6. PTK*) : Guru
  7. Masa Kerja : 18 Tahun 10 bulan
  8. Mata Pelajaran: Kimia
  9. NUPTK: 3757-7566-5730-0012
  10. Sekolah Induk : SMA Negeri 1 Srandakan
  11. Jumlah Jam Mengajar (JJM): 28
  12. HP/WA: 082242495469
  13. Pengalaman Mengajar: Mulai Tahun 2000 – sekarang
  14. Alamat Rumah: Krapyak Wetan, Panjangrejo, Pundong, Bantul 55771
How to Cite:
Rujinem, R. (2023). Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Kimia Materi Larutan Penyangga dengan Metode Tutor Sebaya. Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru, 8(3), 431-437.
Research Articles
Abstract viewed: 636 times
PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) downloaded: 552 times


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