Upaya meningkatkan Eksplorasi Karier Siswa melalui Layanan Bimbingan Klasikal Berbasis Daring
This research is an effort to provide an overview of the implementation of online-based classical guidance services in increasing students' career exploration. The type or research design used is Guidance and Counseling Action Research (PTBK), which consists of II (two) cycles, where each cycle consists of II (two) activities. Then the data collection technique used two instruments, namely observation sheets and comprehension tests, then analyzed using computer-based descriptive statistical techniques assisted by Microsoft Excel 2016. The subjects of this study were 25 students of class XI MIPA 1 at SMAN 1 Cihara. The research instrument is an observation sheet that has been tested for validity and reliability as well as observations to determine the activity and enthusiasm of students during the implementation of online-based classical guidance services. So it can be concluded that based on the results of observations of the implementation of online-based classical guidance services regarding career exploration that has been carried out, it can be concluded that there is an increase in the score from the first meeting in the first cycle to the average activity score of 31.2 points and the fourth meeting in the fourth cycle. II to 52.4 so that it is in the good category. And for the first meeting in the first cycle, the average enthusiastic score was 30.4 points and the fourth meeting in the second cycle was 52.8 so it was in the good category. Based on the results of the career exploration understanding test, it can be interpreted that there is an increase in the career exploration understanding score from cycle I to cycle II, which is 5 points so that there is an increase in career exploration for students in class XI MIPA 1 SMAN 1 Cihara in the 2021/2022 school year.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Fuad Aminur Rahman

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