Pembelajaran Kooperatif dengan Metode STAD untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Kimia Konfigurasi Elektron dan Sistem Periodik
This classroom action research applies the STAD method of cooperative learning which aims to improve student learning outcomes in chemistry lessons on Electron Configuration Material and Periodic Systems of Elements in class X APL 1 SMKN 2 Pandeglang students through the application of the STAD method of cooperative learning. Research activities consist of 6 stages, namely; 1) Convey goals and motivate students. 2) Presenting information. 3) Organizing students into study groups. 4) Guiding the group in working and studying. 5) evaluation. 6) Give awards. The research was carried out in two cycles where each cycle consisted of 4 stages, namely planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The student data obtained was obtained from learning results tests and observation sheets. In cycle 1, data on student learning outcomes did not show significant value compared to pre-research learning outcomes. Obtaining pre-research learning result test data shows that of the 36 classes In the first cycle it reached 44.44% (16 students) from 36 students. The percentage of student activity was obtained at 67.50% in the sufficient category. In cycle II the KKM achievement value increased to 88.89% (32 students) from 36 students. The percentage of students' active learning increased by an average of 84.21% in the very good category, thus it can be said that the STAD cooperative learning method can be applied to achieve better learning outcomes for class X students majoring in APL 2 SMK Negeri 2 Pandeglang.
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