Blended Learning Design Development at Physics Courses in the New Normality Era

  • Rita Nunung Tri Kusyanti SMA Negeri 1 Tempel, Sleman, DIY,  Indonesia


This study aims to develop a blended learning design for class XI physics subjects in the new normal era. This research is a form of R&D research with the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) model. In this study, researchers only arrived at the second stage, namely needs analysis and design of blended learning model designs. Data collection techniques used observation sheets to validate the blended learning design, research instruments in the form of observation sheets, qualitative data analysis. Product design planning by compiling blended learning designs with reference to the competence of physics subjects in the C-19 emergency period with blended learning syntax. Based on the analysis of learning needs, blended learning is the most effective to be applied in the new normal era. The learning design (brief design) blended learning physics with the flipped classroom model by paying attention to face-to-face variations of offline learning and online learning with a percentage of 50%-50%. The results of the validation of media and material experts obtained that the assessment of the learning object to adapt from the LORI was 8543.53%; 86, 84% fall into the category of strongly agree., the online learning process evaluation questionnaire through blended learning design is 81,25% in the fairly good category; 89.58% is in the very good category. The questionnaire for the assessment of blended learning is 85% in the quite good category; 90% fall into the very good category. Based on the conversion table and qualifications can be obtained that the average aspect or indicators 85,48%, then the results of expert validation material content and media developed blended learning design can be tested as they had been very good classification.

Keywords: blended learning, flipped classroom, the era of the new normal

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How to Cite:
Kusyanti, R. N. T. (2022). Blended Learning Design Development at Physics Courses in the New Normality Era. Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru, 7(1), 80-88.
Research Articles
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