Survey of Student’s Satisfaction Doing Assignment with Live Worksheet Application at Online Learning

  • Arsenius Sele SMA Negeri 1 Nunukan Selatan, Kalimantan Utara,  Indonesia


This study aims to determine the level of satisfaction of students at SMA Negeri 1 Nunukan Selatan doing assignments with the Live Worksheet Application during online learning. Thus, it is hoped that teachers can choose applications that make it easier for students to do assignments. The method used is quantitative. Collecting data using the questionnaire method. This questionnaire is distributed online using the Google Form application. The instrument for measuring the level of student satisfaction consists of 10 statements; 3 statements about student participation in doing assignments using the Live Worksheet application and online learning barriers; 7 statements about the level of student satisfaction using the Live Worksheet application in doing assignments. There are 55 students or 71.43% of students who have used the Live Worksheet application while there are still 22 students or 28.57% of students who have never done assignments using the Live Worksheet application. There are 94.55% of students who have done assignments with the Live Worksheet application more than 4 times. Students experience obstacles in online learning, namely 66.23% of students have difficulty understanding the lesson, 49.35% of students lack concentration and 42.86% of the internet network is inadequate. There are 77.37% of students who are very satisfied that they agree that the Live Worksheet application should continue to be used to work on assignments in online learning, while 22.63% of students are dissatisfied so that they do not agree that the Live Worksheet application should continue to be used to work on assignments in online learning.

Keywords: survey of student’s satisfaction, Live Worksheet application, online learning

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Author Biography

Arsenius Sele, SMA Negeri 1 Nunukan Selatan, Kalimantan Utara

Penulis bernama lengkap Arsenius Sele yang akrab disapa Arsen Making. Penulis lahir pada 02 Oktober 1977, di desa Jontona Kecamatan Ile Ape Timur Kabupaten Lembata-NTT. Penulis menyelesaikan pendidikan sarjana di Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni sebuah kampus negeri di kota Makassar. Saat ini penulis sebagai pengajar di SMA Negeri 1 Nunukan Selatan Kabupaten Nunukan, Kalimantan Utara. Penulis dapat dihubungi melalui email:

How to Cite:
Sele, A. (2022). Survey of Student’s Satisfaction Doing Assignment with Live Worksheet Application at Online Learning. Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru, 7(1), 53-60.
Research Articles
Abstract viewed: 1034 times
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