The Increase of Self Leadershif in Planning the Career by Online Model Cooperative Learning Information Service

  • Malthelda Yulianti SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta,  Indonesia


This counseling guidance class action study aims to improve  self leadership in planning career through online information servis of cooperative learning model. The subjects of the study were the students of class XII MIPA-1 SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta. The research method is observation using instruments compiled by researchers with reference to the theoretical studies used. Data analysis techniques use qualitative descriptive techniques, namely  describing the  implementation of  online information services of coopr\erative learning model from the planning th stage, implementation of actions, observations and reflections on each cycle. The data collected from the research instruments in the first cycle were then compared with the data in the second cycle. The results study showed that there is an increase in the self leadership ability of learners, in the aspect category of the self awareness from 75.88%  to 84.38%  increased by 7.50%. In terms of from 78.12% to 88.27% increased by  10.60%. Furthermore  the  self management  aspect from 76.56% to 85.93% increased by 9.37%. While in the aspect of self accomplishment from 78.11% to 82.83% increased by 4.72%. From the results of this counseling guidance class action research  can be concluded that online information service of cooperative learning model can increase  the self leadership in planning careers of students of class XII MIPA-1 SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta.

Keywords: self leadership, career, online information services

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How to Cite:
Yulianti, M. (2021). The Increase of Self Leadershif in Planning the Career by Online Model Cooperative Learning Information Service. Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru, 6(2), 199-206.
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