Optimizing Distance Learning in Craft Learning with the Implementing Blended Learning through Student Inspection (Tilik Siswa) Activities

  • Susi Prasetyaningtyas SMP N 1 Semin,  Indonesia


The purpose of this best practice is to optimize distance learning through student inspection activities, evaluate the implementation of student inspection activities, and describe obstacles and solutions to distance learning through student inspection activities. The subjects of this best practice were the class VII students of VII SMPN 1 Semin Academic Year of 2020/2021 totaling 145 students. Learning with the application of blended learning through student inspection activities was able to optimize Craft learning. 90.3% of students better understand the material of vegetable cultivation through student inspection activities during distance learning. As many as 92.4% of students were happy if the teacher conducted student inspection activities during distance learning as a substitute for face to face at school. The obstacles for the student inspection activities were the inabilities to   reach all students due to time constraints, the  limited ability of teachers and the geographical conditions where the students live which were far from school and rather difficult to reach. The solution applied was that the implementation of activities can be done outside of class hours, carried out regularly and not only on one material.

Keywords: craft learning, blended learning, student inspection

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Author Biography

Susi Prasetyaningtyas, SMP N 1 Semin

Penulis lahir di Gunungkidul, 12 Oktober 1980. Pendidikan S1 di FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta jurusan Pendidikan Matematika dan IPA (MIPA) Prodi Biologi lulus tahun 2004. Kemudian penulis melanjutkan studi S2 di universitas dan fakultas yang sama pada Program Studi Sains Lulus tahun 2014. Aktivitas sekarang adalah guru IPA di SMPN 1 Semin dan aktif di MGMP IPA SMP Kabupaten Gunungkidul. 

How to Cite:
Prasetyaningtyas, S. (2021). Optimizing Distance Learning in Craft Learning with the Implementing Blended Learning through Student Inspection (Tilik Siswa) Activities. Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru, 6(1), 50-57. https://doi.org/10.51169/ideguru.v6i1.204
Best Practices
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