Increasing Reading Competence of Recount Text through Jigsaw Learning Model with Picture of “Sungai Kehidupan”

  • Erna Pujiasih SMA Negeri 1 Bantul,  Indonesia


This research aims to increase reading ability of recount text. The research is done because only 43% students who passed reading test. Subject of research was 36 students in class of  XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 1 Bantul. The are two cycles in conducting a classroom action. Every cycles consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection in jigsaw learning model. The data of research are observation, questioner, test and interview in understanding recount text with “sungai kehidupan” which is related to biography and historical recount through jigsaw learning model. Based on the test result obtained  increasing reading ability from 42% to 83%, response data of learning are 0.6% of students very agree, 80% agree and 9,4% disagree. From questioner, students can understand the text, enjoying, variety, effective, creative, cooperation, critical thinking, and fascinating in learning. This learning model is very useful for students so they can interest in studying, variety of teaching and suitable for teacher to teach recount text with “sungai kehidupan”.

Keywords: reading, jigsaw learning model, picture of sungai kehidupan, recount text

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How to Cite:
Pujiasih, E. (2021). Increasing Reading Competence of Recount Text through Jigsaw Learning Model with Picture of “Sungai Kehidupan” . Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru, 6(2), 161-168.
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