Tik Tok Development Assignment to Achieve Competency Interpreting Instructions in Remote Learning

  • Sri Moerni SMA Negeri 10 Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta,  Indonesia


Writing this best practice has the following objectives: 1) Students can apply instruction in French for class X IPS SMA Negeri 10 Yogyakarta in the 2019-2020 academic year with correct pronunciation, intonation and attitude. 2) It can be seen the steps for implementing learning by using the strategy of making a short video Tik Tok which contains instructions to stay at home during the Covid-19 pandemic. The instructions conveyed in the Tik Tok video are related to the socialization of one of the Covid-19 protocols, namely staying at home, in order to minimize transmission of the Corona virus. With the creation of Tik Tok videos that are very popular with millennial children and the widespread use of social media, this momentum must be used to optimize online learning. This learning is carried out independently and collegially. In his assessment, emphasis is placed on the accuracy of pronunciation, intonation and attitude. Based on the assessment analysis, it was found that the students' average score was 87.80. As many as 82.14% of students can pronounce imperative sentences correctly, 94.05% of students can use intonation correctly, and 92.86% have good self-confidence. The steps for making this Tik Tok video can be seen from the planning, implementation, and assessment of the results. In completing assignments, students perform individually and combine them in large groups, so that into one work that represents group products, collaboration between students in class can be seen clearly. With the creation of the Tik Tok video there is an increase in competence in interpreting instructions through online learning.

Keywords: Tik Tok, interpreting instructions, distance learning

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How to Cite:
Moerni, S. (2021). Tik Tok Development Assignment to Achieve Competency Interpreting Instructions in Remote Learning. Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru, 6(1), 11-16. https://doi.org/10.51169/ideguru.v6i1.152
Best Practices
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