Analisis Sikap Toleransi Melalui Budaya Sekolah di SD 1 Bakalan Krapyak
Currently, there are many deviations that occur in students, for example crimes against friends, bullying, and others. This is evidenced by the fact that at SD 1 Bakalan Krapyak, some students still mock their friends, bully them, and so on. This is because students do not understand the importance of tolerance. Tolerance is an attitude of mutual respect and respect for differences to create a harmonious life. Tolerance can be applied anywhere in the family, school, and community environment. Tolerance can be applied in the school environment, one of which is through school culture. School culture is a habit that is often carried out by school members. The purpose of this research is to tell the attitude of tolerance through the school culture of SD 1 Bakalan Krapyak. The research was conducted using a narrative-oriented qualitative approach. The results showed that tolerance through the school culture of SD 1 Bakalan Krapyak has been going well through several activities, namely religious activities, clean living habits, friendship activities, nationalist activities, literacy and extracurricular activities.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Afi Choirina Muqtafia, Much Arsyad Fardani, Diana Ermawati

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