Optimalisasi Flipped Classroom untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan dan Kemampuan Menyelesaikan Soal-Soal HOTS Procedure Text
The background of this research was that the ability of students to solve HOTs questions was still low, as can be seen from the average score obtained from HOTs questions in the previous material, which was less than the minimum mastery criteria. This classroom action research was done to improve students' ability to solve HOTS items based on procedure texts through flipped classroom learning. The research implements a research model that was adopted from Kemmis and Taggart's model with 2 cycles and 2 meetings for each cycle. The teaching and learning process was carried out through three stages, namely "before class, during class, and after class" in each meeting. Data got using teacher performance observation sheets, student activity observation sheets, field notes, interviews, and tests. The data that were got were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively. The observation results show an increase in the students' activeness in learning at each meeting. The results of the test also increased, seen from both pretest to posttest in each cycle and posttest results from cycle 1 to cycle 2 (71.88% on the end of the first cycle and dan 87.50% on the end of the second cycle). Based on those descriptions, it can be concluded that flipped classroom learning can improve the ability to solve items that require higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) from procedure text.
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