The application of Self Organized Learning Environments (SOLE) Learning Model to Improve Understanding of Polymer

  • Sri Suciati SMK Negeri 1 Sanden,  Indonesia


This study aims to 1) Obtain an overview of the application Self organized learning environments (SOLE) learning model to improve student’s of Grade X RPL SMK N 1 Sanden understanding about polymer material, 2) To improve student’s understanding about polymer materials through the application of SOLE learning models.This study used a classroom action research approach, consisting of two cycles, each cycle consisting of three meetings. The data collection technique uses tests, which are used to retrieve data about the materials. It was analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the application of SOLE learning model improve student’s understanding with the following steps: (1). Questions. Teacher gives questions which are shared through WhatApps group, (2) Investigation. Students carry out investigations for answers through internet, (3) Review. Teacher reviews it by downloading the answers that are shared through WhatApps. Student answers that have been reviewed are returned to students by being photographed through student's private line. The application of SOLE the learning model able to improve students understanding of polymer material from a percentage of classical completeness of 57.89% in cycle I to 73.68% in cycle II and have achieve indicators of the success of the action.

Keywords: Self Organized Learning Environments, polimer, understanding

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How to Cite:
Suciati, S. (2021). The application of Self Organized Learning Environments (SOLE) Learning Model to Improve Understanding of Polymer. Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru, 6(3), 321-328.
Research Articles
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