Problem Based Learning Assisted with Crossword Puzzle to Improve Motivation and Sociology Learning Outcomes

  • Herdiwati Herdiwati SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta,  Indonesia


The research objective was to determine the increase in motivation and sociology learning outcomes in the application of the Problem Based Learning model assisted by crossword puzzle media. The learning model of Problem Based Learning is assisted by crossword puzzle media for interesting sociology subjects, making it easier to learn and understand the teaching material with the keywords or terminologi it finds in the material. Students make crossword puzzle media in groups, and answer questions on the crossword puzzle media in groups or individually. Technical analysis of data with qualitative descriptive techniques in the teaching and learning process and quantitative descriptive with the criteria of learning outcomes obtained through evaluation. The use of Problem Based Learning model with crossword puzzle media can increase the learning motivation of students, namely in cycle I, 74.78% and cycle II, 80.76%. Meanwhile learning outcomes for the first cycle an average of 8.6 and the second cycle an average of 8.9.

Keywords: problem based learning, crossword puzzle, motivation, learning outcomes

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How to Cite:
Herdiwati, H. (2021). Problem Based Learning Assisted with Crossword Puzzle to Improve Motivation and Sociology Learning Outcomes. Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru, 6(1), 101-107.
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