• Marharjono Marharjono SMA Negeri 1 Sewon,  Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation and historical learning values using google classroom during covid-19 pandemic at class XI MIPA 2 in SMA Negeri 1 Sewon. The learning process took place eight times. The benefits of using google classroom for online history learning were student able to know the history of events around the proclamation, the formation of the government of the Republic of Indonesia, the struggle against Japanese rule, the struggle against the arrival of the Allies and the Netherlands, as well as the struggle against the threat of the Netherlands through military confrontation and deplomation. By using google classroom, teachers and students become accustomed with online learning. However, the utilization of google classroom can not enable synchronous learning between teachers and students. Inadequate facilities may obstruct this online learning method. The values ​of studying history of the Indonesian independence revolution include : 1) patient and wise; 2) hard work; 3) willing to sacrifice selflessly; 4) never give up; 5) nationalism; 6) patriotism; 7) mutual respect.

Keywords: learning, Google Classroom, Covid-19

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Author Biography

Marharjono Marharjono, SMA Negeri 1 Sewon

Tangga lahir: Bantul, 15 Desember 1966, Pendidikan: S1 IKIP PGRI Wates Yogyakarta lulus Tahun 1993 Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah, S2 Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta lulus Tahun 2016 Prodi Pendidikan IPS. Pekerjaan PNS Guru, Aktifitas mengajar. Nomor HP/WA: 081390385386.

How to Cite:
Marharjono, M. (2020). BENEFITS OF LEARNING HISTORY USING GOOGLE CLASSROOM AT THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC PERIOD . Ideguru: Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Guru, 5(1), 56 -.
Abstract viewed: 3262 times
PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) downloaded: 5739 times


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